Saturday, August 31, 2013

Download Now You See Me Free

Download Now You See Me Free

An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money.

Four magicians—J. Daniel Atlas, Henley Reeves, Jack Wilder, and Merritt McKinney—are brought together by an unknown benefactor and, one year later, perform in Las Vegas as "The Four Horsemen", sponsored by insurance magnate Arthur Tressler. For the finale, a member of the audience is invited to help them in their next trick: robbing a bank. The man is apparently teleported to a bank in Paris, where he activates an air-duct which vacuums up the money and showers it onto the crowd in Las Vegas.

FBI agent Dylan Rhodes is called to investigate the theft and is partnered with Interpol agent Alma Dray. They interrogate the Four Horsemen, but release them when no explanation can be found. Rhodes meets Thaddeus Bradley, an ex-magician who makes money by revealing the secrets behind other magicians' tricks. Bradley was in the audience and deduced that the Four Horsemen stole the money weeks before, and manipulated the audience's perception of current events.

Rhodes later meets Dray in France and reveals himself to be the son of Shrike, the magician who drowned years ago. He designed the Horsemen plot to obtain revenge on those involved: Bradley, for humiliating his father; the bank in Paris and Tressler's company, who refused to pay insurance on his father's death; and the company that produced the substandard safe used in the trick that lead to its failure. Dray, however, decides not to turn him in.
In the post credit scene, The Horsemen are seen arriving at the Neon Museum in Las Vegas, NV. They find crates marked with the sign of the 'Eye'. The movie ends with them looking for the four key cards to open the crates that holds their equipment for the entire trick.

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